
Collectors are low-level components that collect metrics for domains. Collectors have options documented in the domain reference and specified as plan options.

Options are used to fine-tune how metrics are collected, not which metrics are collected. See Metrics / Collecting for customizing which metrics are collected.

All collector options are optional. Collectors are designed to work automatically.

To print domains and collector options from the command line:

blip --print-domains

For example, the output for the innodb domain looks like:

  InnoDB metrics (information_schema.innodb_metrics)

          all: Collect all metrics
          | enabled = Enabled metrics (ignore metrics list)
          | no      = Specified metrics (default)
          | yes     = All metrics (ignore metrics list)

The collector has one option, all, with the valid values listed below it. The default option (no) is noted by “(default)”. This option is specified in a plan like:

  freq: 5s
          all: "yes"


Collectors are only used when a plan uses the domain. For example, if a plan does not use the innodb domain, then the collector is not created. (It’s not even instantiated, so unused collectors do not consume memory.) Therefore, you don’t need to enable or disable collectors.