
Blip uses events instead of traditional logging.

Instead of,

log.Println("Error connecting to MySQL")

Blip emits an event like,

event.Errorf(event.LOST_MYSQL, "Cannot connect to MySQL")

Events are either “info” or errors. By default, error events are printed to STDERR. Start blip with the --log option to print info events to STDOUT, which simulates traditional logging.

An event receiver handles every event. The default event receiver is event.Log, which prints events as noted above: error events to STDERR, and “info” events to STDOUT if --log.

To change (or implement different) Blip logging, implement a custom event receiver.

Custom Receiver

Implement the event.Receiver interface, then call event.SetReceiver before booting the server.

Registering a custom receive completely overrides the default receiver. Be sure your custom receiver handles all events.