
Blip can emulate Prometheus mysqld_exporter. This is called exporter mode.

To enable, set config.exporter.mode to dual or legacy:

  mode: dual

In dual exporter mode, Blip works normally and it emulates mysqld_exporter.

  mode: legacy

In legacy exporter mode, Blip only emulates mysqld_exporter. All other parts of Blip are ignored (they aren’t even started), including sinks.

See the exporter config for the full configuration.


Blip emulates Prometheus mysqld_exporter by running a second API that listens on the Prometheus mysqld_exporter port and endpoint: by default. It responds to scrape requests in the Exposition format by using built-in Prometheus domain translators.

% curl -s
# TYPE mysql_global_status_buffer_pool_dirty_pages gauge
mysql_global_status_buffer_pool_dirty_pages 0
# HELP mysql_global_status_buffer_pool_page_changes_total Innodb buffer pool page state changes.
# TYPE mysql_global_status_buffer_pool_page_changes_total counter
mysql_global_status_buffer_pool_page_changes_total{operation="flushed"} 3183
# HELP mysql_global_status_buffer_pool_pages Innodb buffer pool pages by state.
# TYPE mysql_global_status_buffer_pool_pages gauge
mysql_global_status_buffer_pool_pages{state="data"} 4993
mysql_global_status_buffer_pool_pages{state="free"} 3122
mysql_global_status_buffer_pool_pages{state="misc"} 77
# HELP mysql_global_status_bytes_received Generic counter metric from SHOW GLOBAL STATUS.
# TYPE mysql_global_status_bytes_received counter
mysql_global_status_bytes_received 1.7407381e+08
# HELP mysql_global_status_bytes_sent Generic counter metric from SHOW GLOBAL STATUS.
# TYPE mysql_global_status_bytes_sent counter
mysql_global_status_bytes_sent 1.379287523e+09
# HELP mysql_global_status_commands_total Total number of executed MySQL commands.
# TYPE mysql_global_status_commands_total counter
mysql_global_status_commands_total{command="admin_commands"} 151
mysql_global_status_commands_total{command="alter_db"} 1
mysql_global_status_commands_total{command="alter_event"} 0
mysql_global_status_commands_total{command="alter_function"} 0

Compatibile Domains

Currently, Prometheus mysqld_exporter emulation collects and returns metrics from the following domains:

Additional domains can be enabled if there is demand for this feature. File an issue to discuss this.


In exporter mode, Blip still uses a plan, but the plan must have only 1 level.

The default plan is default-exporter.

Set config.exporter.plan to specify a different plan.