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ConfigMap Merging Controller (cmmc) is a Kubernetes operator that allows for the combination of ConfigMap resources.


The impetus for building this is to have a GitOps friendly solution to manage kube-system/aws-auth, a ConfigMap that binds AWS roles to K8S Roles in EKS. Instead of solving the problem directly, the approach was to ask the question: If another tool existed that would make this problem trivial to solve that wasn't just for this specific use-case what would it be?


  • Watch specific keys of ConfigMaps and merge their results into a target ConfigMap.
  • Changes to existing resource state are non-destructive and recoverable.
  • JSONSchema validation capability to ensure that an invalid ConfigMap cannot be written.
  • Permissions optionally gated by namespace selectors.
  • Fully Configurable source/target selectors mix and match.
  • Metrics exposed for how many resources are being watched/updated, and their reconcile states.


See contributing docs.


Apache Licnese 2.0