Getting Started

Here's how to make a new Misk-Web tab in the current directory.

$ pwd
$ npm install -g @misk/cli              # Install Misk-Web CLI
$ miskweb new "My New Tab" "my-new-tab" # create my-new-tab
$ cd my-new-tab               # Change directory to new tab
$ miskweb ci-build            # ci-build command installs NPM dependencies and builds
$ miskweb start               # start command starts Webpack Dev ...Server starts at port in miskTab.json... browser to http://localhost:{port}...

Here's how to build a tab that already exists.

$ pwd
$ npm install -g @ misk/cli             # Install Misk-Web CLI
$ miskweb ci-build              # ci-build command installs NPM dependencies and builds
$ miskweb start               # start command starts Webpack Dev ...Server starts at port in miskTab.json... browser to http://localhost:{port}...

Project Structure

  • Review the directories and build files, which to worry about