Path Parameters

Misk-Web uses React Router under the hood to handle routing.

React Router implicitly inserts 3 important props into components that are rendered within a route (which will likely be all components that are in a Misk-Web tab).

These three are (and are documented fully in the React Router docs):

  • history
  • location
  • match: useful for parsing out path parameters

How to use Path Parameters

Path parmeters are useful for a page that references a specific element of a set.

For example, consider a component that is a list of articles has a link to edit each specific article. To support permalinking, the path for the edit article component includes the article ID as a path parameter.

To set this up, you will need to add a route to routes/index.tsx in your tab with a : prefixed path parameter variable like :articleId.

Note the ordering of routes matter, put the most specific route first so that it matches first.

  // routes/index.tsx
    <Route path="/articles/edit/:articleId/" component={EditContainer} />
    <Route path="/articles" component={ArticlesContainer} />

Use the path parameter variable in your component as following.

// containers/EditContainer.tsx
import { Spinner } from "@blueprintjs/core"
import { IRouterProvidedProps } from "@misk/simpleredux"

export const EditContainer = (props: IRouterProvidedProps) => {
  const { articleId } = props.match && props.match.params
  if (articleId) {
    return (
      <h1>Edit {articleId}</h1>
      <EditForm articleId={articleId} />
  } else {
    return <Spinner />

Note the use of the IRouterProvidedProps to get typed access to the match props.


IRouterProvidedProps is provided as part of the @misk/simpleredux library. Since all of the props are provided optionally by React Router, all members are nullable null checking must be performed on use.

// @misk/simpleredux/utilities
export interface IRouterProvidedProps {
  history?: History
  location?: Location
  match?: match

Inclusion in Ducks

You can include IRouterProvidedProps in the ducks/index.ts default provided props for your tab as follows.

// ducks/index.ts
import {
} from "@misk/simpleredux"

// ...

 * Dispatcher
export interface IDispatchProps
  extends IDispatchPalette,
  IRouterProvidedProps { }

// ...

This makes for easy use of React Router provided props in Redux connected containers since they come in the already included IDispatchProps.

// containers/TabContainer.tsx
import { connect } from "react-redux"
import { IDispatchProps, IState, mapDispatchToProps, mapStateToProps } from "../ducks"

const TabContainer = (props: IDispatchProps & IState) => {
  // ...

export default connect(