Custom Redux Sagas

For some more complicated interactions, @misk/simpleredux will not cover your use case and you'll need to build out your own custom Redux Saga.

Warning: for most forms and network requests, @misk/simpleredux will be sufficient and make your life easier since you will not need to maintain a full Redux Saga flow yourself (steps outlined below). Consider if there's a way to do what you want using @misk/simpleredux if you're not fully comfortable with diving into Redux.

Read more about Redux in the @misk/simpleredux docs.

Redux Sagas are extremely useful in building debuggable, asynchronous state transformation and comes in handy for moving render blocking functionality out of your containers and components.

Start by copying the palette.tsx from palette-exemplar/src/ducks and renaming it to match your tab name or the saga purpose.

Lean into the Redux-Saga docs to tweak configuration of your handler functions or the sagas (takeEvery, takeLatest, throttle, debounce...).