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Multipart Forms are a way to encode multiple files in a single request. This is commonly used when uploading files to a server.

Misk support this by leveraging the okhttp3.MultipartReader class. The following is an example of how to use it in a Misk WebAction:

import misk.web.Post
import misk.web.RequestBody
import misk.web.RequestContentType
import misk.web.ResponseContentType
import misk.web.actions.WebAction
import misk.web.mediatype.MediaTypes
import misk.web.actions.WebAction
import okhttp3.MultipartReader

class UploadFileAction @Inject constructor() : WebAction {
  fun upload(
    @RequestBody multipartReader: MultipartReader
  ): String { 
    // use multipartReader to read the parts of the request

To illustrate how to use the MultipartReader class, let’s consider an example where you want to upload the following file:


For each element of the part (separated by comma) we want to log an info message. This can be accomplished by the following code:

  fun execute(
    @RequestBody multipartReader: MultipartReader
  ): String {
    val part = multipartReader.nextPart() ?: return "Empty part"
    val partContent = part.body.readUtf8().split(",")
    val idempotenceToken = part.headers["X-Idempotence-Token"]

    partContent.forEach { { "Processing row: $it with $idempotenceToken." }

    return "Success"

A part can also carry headers and this could come in handy to pass additional information like X-Idempotence-Token that could serve as an idempotence token so elements are just processed once.

The following is an example of how to test the above code using curl:

  curl -v -F "upload=@localfilename;headers=\"X-Idempotence-Token:as456\" http://<BASE_URL>/internal/upload-file

Where localfilename is the location of a file with the content described above, and the headers attribute is used to pass the X-Idempotence-Token header.

You could upload multiple parts in the curl request, and in such cases you will have to iterate over the parts in the MultipartReader object:

  fun execute(
    @RequestBody multipartReader: MultipartReader
  ): String {
    var part = multipartReader.nextPart()
    while (part != null) {
      part = multipartReader.nextPart()
    return "Success"