Package-level declarations


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@ObjCName(name = "ProtocolBridge", exact = true)
class ProtocolBridge<W : Any>(guestVersion: RedwoodVersion, container: Widget.Children<W>, factory: ProtocolFactory<W>, eventSink: EventSink) : ChangesSink

Bridges the serialized Redwood protocol back to widgets on the display side.

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@ObjCName(name = "ProtocolFactory", exact = true)
interface ProtocolFactory<W : Any>

A marker interface for the widget-side factory of the protocol.

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@ObjCName(name = "ProtocolMismatchHandler", exact = true)
interface ProtocolMismatchHandler

Handler invoked when the protocol sent from Compose to the widget display encounters unknown entities. This usually occurs when either the Compose-side or the widget-side was generated from a newer schema than the other, or if their schemas were changed in an incompatible way.


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