Package-level declarations


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A compilation unit represents the group of .sq files which will be compiled all at once. A single database can have multiple compilation units, depending on which gradle task is invoked.

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class SqlDelightEnvironment(properties: SqlDelightDatabaseProperties, compilationUnit: SqlDelightCompilationUnit, verifyMigrations: Boolean, var dialect: SqlDelightDialect, moduleName: String, sourceFolders: List<File> = compilationUnit.sourceFolders .filter { it.folder.exists() && !it.dependency } .map { it.folder }, dependencyFolders: List<File> = compilationUnit.sourceFolders .filter { it.folder.exists() && it.dependency } .map { it.folder }) : SqlCoreEnvironment, SqlDelightProjectService

Mocks an intellij environment for compiling sqldelight files without an instance of intellij running.

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open class SqldelightParser : PsiParser, LightPsiParser
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object SqldelightParserUtil : GeneratedParserUtilBase
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