Package-level declarations


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class AfterVersion(val afterVersion: Long, val block: (SqlDriver) -> Unit)

Represents a block of code block that should be executed during a migration after the migration has finished migrating to afterVersion.

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expect interface Closeable

A type that can be closed.

actual interface Closeable
actual typealias Closeable =
actual interface Closeable
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sealed interface QueryResult<T>

The returned value is the result of a database query or other database operation.

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interface SqlCursor

Represents a SQL result set which can be iterated through with next. Initially the cursor will not point to any row, and calling next once will iterate to the first row.

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interface SqlDriver : Closeable

Maintains connections to an underlying SQL database and provides APIs for managing transactions and executing SQL statements.

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Represents a SQL statement that has been prepared by a driver to be executed.

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interface SqlSchema<T : QueryResult<Unit>>

API for creating and migrating a SQL database. The implementation of this interface is generated by SQLDelight.


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expect inline fun <T : Closeable?, R> T.use(body: (T) -> R): R

Run body on the receiver and call Closeable.close before returning or throwing.

actual inline fun <T : Closeable?, R> T.use(body: (T) -> R): R
actual inline fun <T : Closeable?, R> T.use(body: (T) -> R): R