Package-level declarations


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val PsiElement.range: IntRange


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fun PsiElement.childOfType(type: IElementType): PsiElement?
fun PsiElement.childOfType(types: TokenSet): PsiElement?
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fun NamedElement.columnDefSource(): ColumnDefMixin?
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inline fun <T : SqlAnnotatedElement> PsiElement.findChildOfType(): T?
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fun ASTNode.findChildRecursive(type: IElementType): ASTNode?
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inline fun <T : SqlAnnotatedElement> PsiElement.findChildrenOfType(): Collection<T>
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fun Collection<SqlDelightQueriesFile>.forInitializationStatements(allowReferenceCycles: Boolean, body: (sqlText: String) -> Unit)
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inline fun <T : PsiElement> PsiElement.nextSiblingOfType(): T
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fun PsiElement.rawSqlText(replacements: List<Pair<IntRange, String>> = emptyList()): String