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interface View<K : Any, I : Any>




Name Summary
delete [jvm]
open fun delete(item: I): I?
abstract fun delete(item: I, deleteExpression: Expression? = null): I?
Deletes item from its DynamoDB table using deleteExpression. Any options specified in the deleteExpression parameter will be overlaid on any constraints due to versioned attributes.
deleteKey [jvm]
open fun deleteKey(key: K): I?
abstract fun deleteKey(key: K, deleteExpression: Expression? = null): I?
Deletes the item identified by key from its DynamoDB table using deleteExpression. Any options specified in the deleteExpression parameter will be overlaid on any constraints due to versioned attributes.
load [jvm]
open fun load(key: K): I?
abstract fun load(key: K, consistentReads: Boolean = false, returnConsumedCapacity: ReturnConsumedCapacity = ReturnConsumedCapacity.TOTAL): Pair<I?, ConsumedCapacity?>
abstract fun load(key: K, consistentReads: Boolean = false): I?
Returns an item whose keys match those of the prototype key object given, or null if no such item exists.
save [jvm]
open fun save(item: I)
abstract fun save(item: I, saveExpression: Expression? = null)
Saves an item in DynamoDB. This method uses DynamoDbClient.putItem to clear and replace all attributes, including unmodeled ones, on save. Partial update, i.e. DynamoDbClient.updateItem, is not supported yet.