Package-level declarations


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sealed class Event<out T>
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interface ReceiveTurbine<T>
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interface Turbine<T> : ReceiveTurbine<T>

A standalone Turbine suitable for usage in fakes or other external test components.


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suspend fun <T> ReceiveChannel<T>.awaitComplete(name: String? = null)

Assert that attempting to read from the ReceiveChannel yields ClosedReceiveChannelException, indicating that it was closed without an exception.

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suspend fun <T> ReceiveChannel<T>.awaitError(name: String? = null): Throwable

Assert that attempting to read from the ReceiveChannel yields an exception, indicating that it was closed with an exception.

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suspend fun <T> ReceiveChannel<T>.awaitEvent(name: String? = null): Event<T>

Assert that an event was received and return it. This function will suspend if no events have been received.

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suspend fun <T> ReceiveChannel<T>.awaitItem(name: String? = null): T

Assert that the next event received was an item and return it. This function will suspend if no events have been received.

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Returns the most recent item that has already been received. If channel was closed with no item being received previously, this function will throw an AssertionError. If channel was closed with an exception, this function will throw the underlying exception.

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fun <T> ReceiveChannel<T>.expectNoEvents(name: String? = null)

Assert that there are no unconsumed events which have already been received.

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operator fun <T> Turbine<T>.plusAssign(value: T)
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suspend fun <T> ReceiveChannel<T>.skipItems(count: Int, name: String? = null)

Assert that count item events were received and ignore them. This function will suspend if no events have been received.

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fun <T> ReceiveChannel<T>.takeComplete(name: String? = null)

Assert that the next event received is Event.Complete. This function will not suspend. On JVM and Android, it will attempt to throw if invoked in a suspending context.

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fun <T> ReceiveChannel<T>.takeError(name: String? = null): Throwable

Assert that the next event received is Event.Error, and return the error. This function will not suspend. On JVM and Android, it will attempt to throw if invoked in a suspending context.

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fun <T> ReceiveChannel<T>.takeEvent(name: String? = null): Event<T>

Assert that the next event received was non-null and return it. This function will not suspend. On JVM and Android, it will attempt to throw if invoked in a suspending context.

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fun <T> ReceiveChannel<T>.takeItem(name: String? = null): T

Assert that the next event received was an item and return it. This function will not suspend. On JVM and Android, it will attempt to throw if invoked in a suspending context.

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suspend fun <T> Flow<T>.test(timeout: Duration? = null, name: String? = null, validate: suspend ReceiveTurbine<T>.() -> Unit)

Terminal flow operator that collects events from given flow and allows the validate lambda to consume and assert properties on them in order. If any exception occurs during validation the exception is rethrown from this method.

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fun <T> Flow<T>.testIn(scope: CoroutineScope, timeout: Duration? = null, name: String? = null): ReceiveTurbine<T>

Terminal flow operator that collects events from given flow and returns a ReceiveTurbine for consuming and asserting properties on them in order. If any exception occurs during validation the exception is rethrown from this method.

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fun <T> Turbine(timeout: Duration? = null, name: String? = null): Turbine<T>

Construct a standalone Turbine.

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suspend fun <T> withTurbineTimeout(timeout: Duration, block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): T

Sets a timeout for all Turbine instances within this context. If this timeout is not set, the default value is 3sec.