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Package-level declarations


Name Summary
AeadKeyManager [jvm]
class AeadKeyManager : MappedKeyManager<Aead>
Holds a map of every Aead key name to its primitive listed in the configuration for this app.
AwsKmsClientModule [jvm]
class AwsKmsClientModule@JvmOverloadsconstructor(credentialsPath: String? = null) : KAbstractModule
AWS specific KMS client module. Currently uses a file path to a JSON credentials file to initialize the client. If no file is provided, tries to initialize the client using the default credentials path as specified in AwsKmsClient.withDefaultCredentials
BucketNameSource [jvm]
interface BucketNameSource
Bind this to an instance to control how external buckets are referenced.
CiphertextFormat [jvm]
class CiphertextFormat
Wraps a ciphertext and the encryption context associated with it in a ByteArray.
CryptoConfig [jvm]
data class CryptoConfig@JvmOverloadsconstructor(val keys: List<Key>?, val kms_uri: String, val external_data_keys: Map<KeyAlias, KeyType>? = null) : Config
Main configuration object representing to be used in the app.
CryptoModule [jvm]
class CryptoModule(config: CryptoConfig) : KAbstractModule
Configures and registers the keys listed in the configuration file. Each key is read, decrypted, and then bound via Google Guice and added to a MappedKeyManager.
DeterministicAeadKeyManager [jvm]
class DeterministicAeadKeyManager : MappedKeyManager<DeterministicAead>
Holds a map of every DeterministicAead key name to its primitive listed in the configuration for this app.
DigitalSignature [jvm]
data class DigitalSignature(val signer: PublicKeySign, val verifier: PublicKeyVerify)
DigitalSignatureKeyManager [jvm]
class DigitalSignatureKeyManager : MappedKeyManager<DigitalSignature>
Holds a map of every key name to its corresponding PublicKeySign and PublicKeyVerify primitives.
ExternalDataKeys [jvm]
@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FIELD, AnnotationTarget.VALUE_PARAMETER])
annotation class ExternalDataKeys
This annotation is used to decorate the collection of external data keys used in the service.
ExternalKeyManagerException [jvm]
class ExternalKeyManagerException(message: String) : IOException
Thrown on creation if external key does not exist.
ExternalKeyResolver [jvm]
class ExternalKeyResolver@Injectconstructor(val allKeyAliases: Map<KeyAlias, KeyType>, externalKeySources: Set<ExternalKeySource>) : KeyResolver
ExternalKeyResolver implements an KeyResolver that fetches Tink keysets from an external source, such as an S3 bucket. If multiple sources are registered (by binding implementations of KeyResolver), the first one to contain the key (via ExternalKeySource.keyExists) is the key that is used.
ExternalKeySource [jvm]
interface ExternalKeySource
Implement an ExternalKeySource to provide Tink keysets from an external location, such as an S3 bucket or an NFS share.
GcpKmsClientModule [jvm]
class GcpKmsClientModule@JvmOverloadsconstructor(credentialsPath: String? = null) : KAbstractModule
GCP specific KMS client module. Uses a file path to a JSON credentials file to initialize the client.
HybridDecryptKeyManager [jvm]
class HybridDecryptKeyManager : MappedKeyManager<HybridDecrypt>
Holds a map of every HybridDecrypt key name to its corresponding primitive listed in the configuration for this app.
HybridEncryptKeyManager [jvm]
class HybridEncryptKeyManager : MappedKeyManager<HybridEncrypt>
Holds a map of every HybridEncrypt key name to its corresponding primitive listed in the configuration for this app.
Key [jvm]
data class Key@JvmOverloadsconstructor(val key_name: String, val key_type: KeyType, val encrypted_key: Secret<String>? = null, val kms_uri: String? = null) : Config
Describes a specific key
KeyAlias [jvm]
typealias KeyAlias = String
A KeyAlias is how we refer to a Tink keyset.
KeyNotFoundException [jvm]
class KeyNotFoundException@JvmOverloadsconstructor(message: String? = null, cause: Throwable? = null) : GeneralSecurityException
KeyReader [jvm]
open class KeyReader
KeyResolver [jvm]
interface KeyResolver
KeyResolver provides an interface to access keys indexed by aliases. Optionally, callers can register a callback to be invoked when a key is updated.
KeyType [jvm]
enum KeyType : Enum<KeyType>
Supported key types
LocalConfigKeyResolver [jvm]
class LocalConfigKeyResolver(keys: List<Key>, defaultKmsUri: String) : KeyResolver
LocalConfigKeyResolver provides keys that are stored locally and protected by a single KMS key.
MacKeyManager [jvm]
class MacKeyManager : MappedKeyManager<Mac>
Holds a map of every Mac key name to its primitive listed in the configuration for this app.
MappedKeyManager [jvm]
sealed class MappedKeyManager<KeyT>
MiskAWSKMS [jvm]
@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FIELD, AnnotationTarget.VALUE_PARAMETER])
annotation class MiskAWSKMS
This annotation is used to specify which instance should be used by misk to construct a KmsClient and communicate with the KMS service
MiskKmsClient [jvm]
@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FIELD, AnnotationTarget.VALUE_PARAMETER])
annotation class MiskKmsClient
This annotation is used to specify the KmsClient that’s being used by misk to load encryption keys
PgpDecrypterManager [jvm]
class PgpDecrypterManager@Injectconstructor(injector: Injector) : MappedKeyManager<PgpDecrypter>
Holds a map of every PgpDecrypter key name to its primitive listed in the configuration for this app.
PgpEncrypterManager [jvm]
class PgpEncrypterManager@Injectconstructor(injector: Injector) : MappedKeyManager<PgpEncrypter>
Holds a map of every PgpEncrypter key name to its primitive listed in the configuration for this app.
S3KeySource [jvm]
class S3KeySource@Injectconstructor(deployment: Deployment, defaultS3: AmazonS3, val allKeyAliases: Map<KeyAlias, KeyType>, bucketNameSource: BucketNameSource = object : BucketNameSource { override fun getBucketName(deployment: Deployment) = deployment.mapToEnvironmentName() }, awsCredentials: AWSCredentialsProvider) : ExternalKeySource
S3KeySource implements an ExternalKeySource that fetches Tink keysets from an S3 bucket. Keysets are indexed by an alias and a region, and are encrypted with a key in the KMS using an envelope key encryption scheme. Each Keyset is protected by a KMS key in each service region.
ServiceKeys [jvm]
@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FIELD, AnnotationTarget.VALUE_PARAMETER])
annotation class ServiceKeys
This annotation is used to decorate the collection of service keys used in the service.
StreamingAeadKeyManager [jvm]
class StreamingAeadKeyManager@Injectconstructor(injector: Injector) : MappedKeyManager<StreamingAead>
Holds a map of every StreamingAead key name to its primitive listed in the configuration for this app.


Name Summary
computeMac [jvm]
fun Mac.computeMac(data: String): String
Extension function for conveniently computing an HMAC and encoding it with Base64.
verifyMac [jvm]
fun Mac.verifyMac(tag: String, data: String)
Extension function for conveniently verifying a message’s authenticity. This function expects the tag string variable to contain a Base64 encoded array of bytes.