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Update Policy

Hermit syncs manifest sources every 24 hours from HEAD. Because any changes are then immediately reflected in active environments, care must be taken to maintain backwards compatibility.

In particular this means:

  • Never delete or rename versions.
  • Take care when updating environment variables.

And in general think carefully about what impact your change will have if it is applied to an active environment.


Hermit manifests (package definitions) are HCL configuration files defining where to download packages from and how to install them.

Refer to the schema documentation for details.

Here’s an example manifest for Rust:

description = "A language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software."
binaries = ["bin/*"]
strip = 2

darwin {
  source = "${version}-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.xz"

linux {
  source = "${version}-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.xz"

version "1.51.0" {}

channel nightly {
  update = "24h"
  darwin {
    source = ""

  linux {
    source = ""

Package source can refer to a remote archive file by using http:// or https:// prefixes, to a local file by using file:// prefix, or to a Git repository by using .git suffix. If the source points to an archive file, it is extracted at installation. Git repositories are cloned from the default branch and used as is.


A manifest source is a location where a set of manifests are stored. Hermit supports manifest sources in Git repositories, local filesystems (useful for temporary overrides while testing packages), and environment-relative.

Multiple sources can be specified globally by Hermit or per-project, allowing fine-grained control over which package definitions will be used.


Version blocks are explicitly defined versions of a particular package.


Channels define a download source that will be automatically checked for updates periodically. Hermit will check the URL’s ETag and update the package if there is a newer version.

Additionally, Hermit will create several synthetic channels which are checked for updates every 24h:

  1. A @latest channel pointing at the most recent non-pre-release version.
  2. A @<MAJOR> channel for every major version.
  3. A @<MAJOR>.<MINOR> channel for every major+minor version.

This allows projects to pin to stable releases.


Hermit supports two kinds of dependencies between packages, direct dependencies and runtime dependencies.

Direct dependencies

Direct dependencies are declared in the manifest files using a requires definition in the manifest file. This lists the packages that are needed in the environment to use the given package. The package references in the requires list can either refer to an explicit package, or to a value defined in the provides definition of the dependency. For example, requires = ["jre"] would work with any package defining provides = ["jre"] in its definition.

When a package with requires definition is installed, all its dependencies are installed to the target environment as well.

Runtime dependencies

Runtime dependencies are package dependencies that are not installed into the target environment. These are defined using a runtime-dependencies definition in the manifest.

Hermit makes sure the runtime dependencies are on the system when a binary from the package is executed, and injects the environment variables from the runtime dependencies to the binary when executed. This is a good way on depending on binaries and env variables from other packages in your package without exposing them to the target environment.

Variable Interpolation

Hermit manifests support basic variable interpolation to simplify configuration. It’s not necessary to utilise them, but they can make life simpler in many cases.

The available variables are:

Variable Description
name The name of the current package.
version The version selected by the user. Does not apply when installing a channel.
dest The directory where the archive will be extracted.
Defaults to <hermit-state>/pkg/<pkg-selector>.
root Directory considered the package root. Defaults to ${dest}.
os The system’s OS as reported by Go.
arch The system’s CPU architecture as reported by Go.
xarch An alternate mapping of ${arch} where amd64=>x86_64, i386=>386, and arm64=>aarch64.
HERMIT_ENV Path to the active Hermit environment.
HERMIT_BIN Path to the active Hermit environment’s bin directory.
HOME The user’s home directory.

Triggers and Actions

Hermit supports the concept of triggers and actions which can be applied when certain events occur in the package lifecycle. Supported events are:

Event Description
unpack Triggered when a package is unpacked into the Hermit cache.
install Triggered when a package is installed into an environment.
uninstall Triggered when a package is uninstalled from an environment.
activate Triggered when the environment the package is installed in is activated.
exec Triggered whenever a binary in the package is executed.
NOTE: This trigger will run for every execution and can negatively impact performance.

More triggers may be added in the future.