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Each Hermit package manifest is a nested structure containing OS/architecture-specific configuration.


Block Description
channel <name> { … } Definition of and configuration for an auto-update channel.
darwin { … } Darwin-specific configuration.
linux { … } Linux-specific configuration.
on <event> { … } Triggers to run on lifecycle events.
platform <attr> { … } Platform-specific configuration. <attr> is a set regexes that must all match against one of CPU, OS, etc..
version <version> { … } Definition of and configuration for a specific version.


Attribute Type Description
apps [string]? Relative paths to Mac .app packages to install.
arch string? CPU architecture to match (amd64, 386, arm, etc.).
binaries [string]? Relative glob from $root to individual terminal binaries.
default string? Default version or channel if not specified.
description string Human readable description of the package.
dest string? Override archive extraction destination for package.
dont-extract boolean? Don't extract the package source, just copy it into the installation directory.
env {string: string}? Environment variables to export.
files {string: string}? Files to load strings from to be used in the manifest.
homepage string? Home page.
mirrors [string]? Mirrors to use if the primary source is unavailable.
mutable boolean? Package will not be made read-only.
provides [string]? This package provides the given virtual packages.
rename {string: string}? Rename files after unpacking to ${root}.
repository string? Source Repository.
requires [string]? Packages this one requires.
root string? Override root for package.
runtime-dependencies [string]? Packages used internally by this package, but not installed to the target environment
sha256 string? SHA256 of source package for verification. When in conflict with SHA256 in sha256sums, this value takes precedence.
sha256-source string? URL for SHA256 checksum file for source package.
sha256sums {string: string}? SHA256 checksums of source packages for verification.
source string? URL for source package. Valid URLs are Git repositories (using .git[#<tag>] suffix), Local Files (using file:// prefix), and Remote Files (using http:// or https:// prefix)
strip number? Number of path prefix elements to strip.
test string? Command that will test the package is operational.
vars {string: string}? Set local variables used during manifest evaluation.