
abstract fun allowDependency(groupId: String, artifactId: String, version: String, options: Action<LicenseeExtension.AllowDependencyOptions> = Action { })

Allow an artifact with a specific groupId, artifactId, and version. This is useful for artifacts which contain no license data or have invalid/incorrect license data.

licensee {
allowDependency('com.example', 'example', '1.0')

A reason string can be supplied to document why the dependency is being allowed despite missing or invalid license data.

licensee {
allowDependency('com.jetbrains', 'annotations', '16.0.1') {
because 'Apache-2.0, but typo in license URL fixed in newer versions'

Reason strings will be included in validation reports.

abstract fun allowDependency(dependencyProvider: Provider<out Dependency>, options: Action<LicenseeExtension.AllowDependencyOptions> = Action { })