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Package-level declarations


Name Summary
ForPauseDetector [jvm]
@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.CLASS, AnnotationTarget.VALUE_PARAMETER, AnnotationTarget.FIELD, AnnotationTarget.TYPE])
annotation class ForPauseDetector
Used to bind a Sleeper and Ticker that are suitable for usage by the PauseDetector
PauseDetectorConfig [jvm]
data class PauseDetectorConfig@JvmOverloadsconstructor(val resolutionMillis: Long = 1, val logInfoMillis: Long = 1000, val logWarnMillis: Long = -1, val logErrorMillis: Long = -1, val metricsUpdateFloor: Long = 0)
Configuration for the PauseDetector
PauseDetectorModule [jvm]
class PauseDetectorModule@JvmOverloadsconstructor(val pauseDetectorConfig: PauseDetectorConfig = PauseDetectorConfig()) : KAbstractModule
Install this module to run the PauseDetector in the background.