Returns an Either of a list of B results of applying the given transform function to each element(A) in the original collection.
Returns a Result of a list of B results of applying the given transform function to each element(A) in the original collection.
Returns an Option of a list of B results of applying the given transform function to each element(A) in the original collection.
Map a function that returns an Either over all the values in the Map. If the function returns a Right, the value is added to the resulting Map. If the function returns a Left, the result is the Left.
Map a function that returns an Option over all the values in the Map. If the function returns a Some, the value is added to the resulting Map. If the function returns a None, the result is None.
Map a function that returns an Either across the NonEmptyList.
The first Left result from calling the function will be the result, or if no calls result in a Left the result will be a Right(NonEmptyList) of all the B's returned.
Map a function that returns an Option across the NonEmptyList.
The first None result from calling the function will be the result, or if no calls result in a None the result will be a Some(NonEmptyList) of all the B's returned.
Map a function that returns an Either across the Option.
If the option is a None, return a Right(None). If the option is a Some, apply f to the value. If f returns a Right, wrap the result in a Some.
Map a function that returns an Iterable across the Option.
If the option is a None, return an empty List If the option is a Some, apply f to the value and wrap the result in a Some.
Map a function that returns an Either across the Sequence.
Map a function that returns an Option across the Sequence.