
class OutcomeOfRaise(raise: Raise<Any?>) : Raise<Throwable> (source)

Emulation of context receivers, when they're released this can be replaced by context receiver based code in Arrow itself.

We guarantee that the wrapped Any? will only result in Throwable or Absent. Exposing this as Raise<Throwable> gives natural interoperability with Raise<Throwable> DSLs (Either).


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constructor(raise: Raise<Any?>)


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open suspend fun <OtherError, A> attempt(f: suspend EffectScope<OtherError>.() -> A): Effect<OtherError, A>
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fun <A> OutcomeOf<A>.bind(): A
fun <A> Option<A>.bind(): A
open fun <A> Either<Throwable, A>.bind(): A
open fun <A> Validated<Throwable, A>.bind(): A
open suspend fun <A> EagerEffect<Throwable, A>.bind(): A
open suspend fun <A> Effect<Throwable, A>.bind(): A
open fun <A> EagerEffect<Throwable, A>.bind(): A
open suspend fun <A> suspend Raise<Throwable>.() -> A.bind(): A

fun <A> Result<Option<A>>.bind(): A

Converts Result<Option<A>> to OutcomeOf and binds over the value

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open fun <A> NonEmptyList<Either<Throwable, A>>.bindAll(): NonEmptyList<A>
open fun <A> NonEmptySet<Either<Throwable, A>>.bindAll(): NonEmptySet<A>
open fun <A> Iterable<Either<Throwable, A>>.bindAll(): List<A>
open fun <K, A> Map<K, Either<Throwable, A>>.bindAll(): Map<K, A>
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fun <A> A?.bindNull(): A

Ensures a nullable value is not null. Will raise Absent on null.

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fun <A> ErrorOr<Option<A>>.bindOption(): A

Converts an ErrorOr> to an OutcomeOf and binds over the value

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fun <A> Result<A>.bindResult(): A

Converts Result<A> to OutcomeOf and binds over the value

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open infix suspend fun <OtherError, A> Effect<OtherError, A>.catch(recover: suspend Raise<Throwable>.(otherError: OtherError) -> A): A
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fun ensure(condition: Boolean)

Ensures the condition is met and raises an Absent otherwise.

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fun <A : Any> ensureNotNull(value: A?): A
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open operator fun <A> EagerEffect<Throwable, A>.invoke(): A
open suspend operator fun <A> suspend Raise<Throwable>.() -> A.invoke(): A
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open override fun raise(r: Throwable): Nothing
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open fun <A> shift(r: Throwable): A