
val items: () -> Unit

The window of items to be inflated by the native lazy list widget implementation. The window is defined as a sequential subset of the composables emitted in items. These composables are created by incrementally passing a range of indices to the user-defined item factories, as specified in the LazyListScope functions.

The window should be offset by itemsAfter, and should have a size of count - [itemsBefore] - [itemsAfter], where count is the total number of items that theoretically exists in the list.

This field should not be confused with LazyListScope.items (et al.) The functions in LazyListScope specify what the list theoretically consists of. This property specifies what the list practically consists of, as a function of the current view port. This difference is what distinguishes the LazyRow and LazyColumn widgets from their non-lazy counterparts (Row and Column).