Package-level declarations


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class LazyListValue(val modifier: Modifier = Modifier, val isVertical: Boolean, val onViewportChanged: (Int, Int) -> Unit, val itemsBefore: Int, val itemsAfter: Int, val width: Constraint, val height: Constraint, val margin: Margin, val crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment, val scrollItemIndex: ScrollItemIndex, val placeholder: List<WidgetValue> = listOf(), val items: List<WidgetValue> = listOf()) : WidgetValue
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class RefreshableLazyListValue(val modifier: Modifier = Modifier, val isVertical: Boolean, val onViewportChanged: (Int, Int) -> Unit, val itemsBefore: Int, val itemsAfter: Int, val refreshing: Boolean, val onRefresh: () -> Unit?, val width: Constraint, val height: Constraint, val margin: Margin, val crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment, val scrollItemIndex: ScrollItemIndex, val pullRefreshContentColor: UInt, val placeholder: List<WidgetValue> = listOf(), val items: List<WidgetValue> = listOf()) : WidgetValue


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suspend fun <R> RedwoodLazyLayoutTester(onBackPressedDispatcher: OnBackPressedDispatcher = NoOpOnBackPressedDispatcher, savedState: TestSavedState? = null, uiConfiguration: UiConfiguration = UiConfiguration(), body: suspend TestRedwoodComposition<List<WidgetValue>>.() -> R): R