Package-level declarations


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sealed class TestSavedState

An opaque type representing the saved state of a test composition.

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interface WidgetValue

A widget that's implemented as a value class, appropriate for use in tests.


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Returns a sequence that does a depth-first preorder traversal of the entire widget tree whose roots are this list. This is the same order elements occur in code.

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fun <W : Any, S> TestRedwoodComposition(scope: CoroutineScope, widgetSystem: WidgetSystem<W>, container: Widget.Children<W>, onBackPressedDispatcher: OnBackPressedDispatcher = NoOpOnBackPressedDispatcher, savedState: TestSavedState? = null, initialUiConfiguration: UiConfiguration = UiConfiguration(), createSnapshot: () -> S): TestRedwoodComposition<S>

Performs Redwood composition strictly for testing.

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fun WidgetValue.toChangeList(factory: ProtocolBridge.Factory, json: Json = Json.Default): SnapshotChangeList

Encode this widget value snapshot into a list of changes which can be serialized and later applied to the UI to recreate the structure and state.

fun List<WidgetValue>.toChangeList(factory: ProtocolBridge.Factory, json: Json = Json.Default): SnapshotChangeList

Encode this snapshot of widget values into a list of changes which can be serialized and later applied to the UI to recreate the structure and state.

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Returns a formatted string of the widget tree whose roots are this list. For example: """ Column { Toolbar { Icon(...) Title(...) } } Row { Text(...) Button(...) } """