
class JdbcCursor(val resultSet: ResultSet) : SqlCursor

Iterate each row in resultSet and map the columns to Kotlin classes by calling getString, getLong etc. Use next to retrieve the next row and close to close the connection.


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constructor(resultSet: ResultSet)


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fun <T> getArray(index: Int): Array<T>?
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open override fun getBoolean(index: Int): Boolean?
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fun getByte(index: Int): Byte?
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open override fun getBytes(index: Int): ByteArray?
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open override fun getDouble(index: Int): Double?
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fun getFloat(index: Int): Float?
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fun getInt(index: Int): Int?
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open override fun getLong(index: Int): Long?
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inline fun <T : Any> getObject(index: Int): T?
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fun getShort(index: Int): Short?
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open override fun getString(index: Int): String?
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open override fun next(): QueryResult.Value<Boolean>