The Blip REST API provides runtime information and control of the server and monitors.

By default, Blip listens on Change this by setting config.api.bind.

The API is optional; disabling has no effect on other parts of Blip. You can disable the API by setting config.api.disable to true.

The API is organized by resources listed in the table of contents at the end of this page.


The API currently has no security mechanisms for authentication, OPTIONS, CORS, and so on.

The API does not use TLS.



GET response bodies are JSON unless documented otherwise.

POST response bodies are text (string).

Status Codes

All endpoints use standard HTTP status codes:

  • 200 on success
  • 3xx on client errors
  • 404 on monitor not found
  • 5xx on server errors

Only special status codes are documented explicitly.

Table of contents