
The simplest way to load monitors is by specifying config.monitors:

  - hostname: db1.local
    username: blip
    password: ...

  - hostname: db2.remote
    username: blip
    password: ...

Blip loads the two monitors specified in the config file. This is the simple case, but Blip can load monitors from other sources that support reloading.


The load squence is:

  1. LoadMonitors plugin exclusively if defined; else:
  2. config.monitors, and then
  3. config.monitor-loader.files, and then
  4. config.monitor-loader.aws; if no monitors loaded, then
  5. Auto-detect local MySQL instances


Calling API endpoint /monitors/reload causes Blip to reload monitors for supported sources:

New monitors are started. Monitors that have been removed (no longer returned by the source) are unloaded (stopped and removed) from Blip. Monitors that have not change are not affected or restarted.


Stop-loss prevents reloading from dropping too many MySQL instances due to unrelated external issues. For example, maybe the LoadMonitors plugin has a bug that causes it to return zero monitors when there are really 10 monitors. Stop-loss would prevent Blip from unloading all monitors, which could have adverse side effects for visibility and alerting.

Set config.monitor-loader.stop-loss to enable.